Logo Favela Street
This is Favela Street

Creating a More Inclusive Society Through the Power of Sport From the Ground Up

Welcome to the game of your life

We create a ripple effect that influences more healthy, strong and safe communities.


Favela Street empowers young people – that are excluded from the political, economic, and social institutions that shape their lives – to become role models and to take responsibility for their own futures – by creating a positive ripple effect in their communities, through the power of sports.


Every week a group of young girls in Amsterdam West come together to work on their personal development and to play together. Favela Street creates a safe space for girls where they can have fun, work on themselves and discover ‘the world outside the West’: connecting to a community wider than their local borough, through football and kickboxing.


Young people from different places on the island come together in our programme to increase their ability to influence one another in positive ways, such as by learning how to organise (sport) activities in their neighbourhoods and working on their life goals.

Future Leading Trainer

The next step of the personal development programme is the Train the Trainer programme Future Leading Trainer. This offers our ‘graduates’ or as we call them Future Leading Players an opportunity to improve their skills as leaders and so expand their positive circle of influence. With this programme we create more sport coaches worldwide, with a particular focus on training girls with a migration background.

Kids Amsterdam

In partnership with Nike’s Made to Play, we launched Favela Street Kids to inspire young girls of Islamic background and stay active. Together, we’re working to level the playing field for girls and create a world where every kid has access to play and sport.

  • Latest news
  • 13 Jun 2024

Lieke Martens – van Leer is Our New Ambassador for Time to Shine

  • News
  • 04 Jun 2024

Favela Street to Host Third Annual Time To Shine Street Football Tournament on June 29


Take a look at our Future Leading Players and their stories.